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Finger joint

Finger joint

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Joint Prostheses

Shoulder Elbow Hip Finger Knee Ankle

Finger joint prostheses

There are different kinds of joint prostheses for each of the finger’s three joint. 
Finger joint prostheses are comprised of two parts, i.e., a distal phalanx side and middle phalanx side for DIP (the closest joint to the fingertip), middle phalanx side and proximal phalanx side for PIP (the second closest joint to the fingertip), and proximal phalanx side and metacarpal side for MP (the joints on the back of the hand).
The metal head has a smooth curved surface. Finger function is reconstructed by a head and socket combination that enables surfaces of the finger joint prosthesis to slide. 
Teijin Nakashima Medical offers various sizes of finger prostheses suited for Japanese and Asian people.画像


 ⇦  ➤Surgical Page  Products 

[Article Papers]

1.ASSH 2007 Seattle Washington - 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for surgery of the hand - SLFJ introduction

2.Japanese Journal Joint Surgery 2013 Vol.32 - 上肢のリウマチ診断と治療

3.Others (More information coming soon)

 ⇦  ➤Other Joints  Surgical Page 

【Slide Show】

A)  Cement-less Surface Finger Joint Arthroplasty

B)  Check health - MP joint Post-Operation 3.5 year  

〖 Opearation Video Show 〗

A)  PIP joint operation volar side approch  

B)  Manufacturer Teijin-NAKASHIMA introduction

C)  製造商メーカー:帝人ナカシマの紹介

D)  More information coming soon...

【Implant Size Variation & Tools】

A)  PIP joint implant size variation  

B)  Surgical instuctment Tools

【Surgical Operation Manuals】

A)  PIP joint Operation manual 

B)  MP joint Operation manual

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