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KOKEN Baby Boy LM-026M


The KOKEN Baby is the optimum baby model for training and guidance involving newborns. It is made of silicone rubber, and has a seamless construction, giving it a feel extremely close to that of a real baby. It can be used to practice bathing, full-body monitoring and measurement, changing diapers, suction, umbilical care, rectal temperature measurement, and simple physical exercises for infants.

Practical Training

  • Bathing (securing of the neck, auricles of the ears, and the arms and legs)
  • Full-body monitoring and measurement
  • Simple physical exercises for infants
  • Diapering techniques
  • Insertion of a rectal thermometer
  • Administration of enemas
  • Umbilical cord care and monitoring and care of the umbilicus after the umbilical cord has been detached
  • Insertion of a suction tube


Nose suction

Nose suction

Umbilical cord care

Umbilical cord care

Insertion of a rectal thermometer

Insertion of a rectal thermometer

Diapering techniques

Diapering techniques

Sanitary care

Sanitary care


Main body 1
Umbilical cord 1
Storage bag 1


Umbilical cord LM-026AUmbilical cord
Storage bag LM-026BStorage bag


Height Approx. 48 cm
Head circumference Approx. 34 cm
Weight Approx. 3.0 kg