Clinical Display monitor

Clinical Display monitor

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巨鯊醫療診斷顯示器公司 - About JuSha medical display manufacturer 


3MP Medical-grade color monitor. With 16-bit and 3D LUT, 10-bit color,

Full Screen Uniformity, build-in sensor and QA software, the monitor is quality guaranteed all the time.

Color display allows you see more than just black and white.

Various shortcut to boost your workflow.

3MP 醫療級彩色顯示器。 憑藉 16 位元和 3D LUT、10 位元色彩、

全螢幕均勻性、內建感應器和 QA 軟體,顯示器始終保持品質保證。

彩色顯示器讓您看到的不僅僅是黑白。 各種快捷方式可促進您的工作流程。


JUSHA professional display is featured with high resolution, high luminance,
16bit grayscale (65536 grade), built-in LUT based on DICOM standard,
designed for high-requirement of clinical diagnosis,
such as PACS, Digital Mammography, CR, DR and other x-ray systems.

JUSHA專業顯示器具有高解析度、高亮度、16位元灰階(65536級),內建基於DICOM標準的LUT,專為高要求的臨床診斷設計,如PACS、數位乳房攝影、CR、DR和其他X射線 系統。
1.高分辨率 Jusha報告和審計顯示器搭配了600萬像素的分辨率,可以精確呈現醫療影像。 從100萬像素的DSA影像到500萬像素的乳房影像,都可以在顯示器上完美顯示,並保證了與各種裝置的良好相容性。
2.高亮度 JUSHA專業醫療顯示器的亮度可達800cd/m2。 高亮度和高對比度的結合,形成了明顯的深度感,是定位病灶的完美選擇。
3.高灰度 此顯示器有一個16位的LUT表,可以表達65536級的灰度,並提供更平滑的影像過渡。 JUSHA專業顯示器保證了高階設備拍攝的16位元高灰階影像的完美呈現。 同時,有利於診斷與正常組織對比低的早期病變。
4.整合雙屏 在同一螢幕上顯示兩個窗口,這項技術消除了由於螢幕本身的差異或長期使用後的衰減而導致的兩個螢幕之間的不一致。 可以顯示更準確和一致的圖像。

It's professional display is featured with high resolution, high luminance,10bit grayscale(1024grade),
built-in LUT based on DICOM standard, designed for high-requirement of clinical diagnosis,
such as PACS,CR,DR and other x-ray systems.


Recently, Jusha Medical announced the new 8MP color diagnostic display C820G blockbuster launch.
As a new generation of 8MP medical display, C820 adopts the industry-leading display technology,
which has the characteristics of high resolution, high brightness and high color depth.
One dual screen, one-key lighting, reading light and other fast functions enable radiologists to improve work Efficiency.

C820G全新8MP彩色診斷顯示器C820G重磅上市. 作為新一代8MP醫療顯示器,採用業界領先的顯示技術,


The display system CP620 audited by Jusha senior expert is a revolutionary image diagnosis tool,with its unique 6M high resolution,
can provide an excellent display solution for mobile image diagnosis. It adopted the industry-leading display technology.

The products, being ultra thin ultra clear, carry free, and having high resolution, high brightness, high color depth, high gray scale,and
support Type-C key connection technology, can reverse charge at the same time, moreover Ins-guard real-time DICOM automatic correction system,
picture adaptive display technology, environmental light recognition correction, dual screen image display technology ensure the better ease of use.
It can solve the needs of radiologists in one stop, and be applied to the diagnosis and comparative analysis of various medical images.

雙螢幕影像顯示技術保證了更好的易用性, 一站式解決放射科醫生的需求,並應用於各種醫學影像的診斷和對比分析。


This 12MP Dual-screen Medical-Grade color monitor.
With seamless dual-screen, Full Screen Uniformity,
16-bit and 3D LUT, 10-bit color depth, medical images are accurate and consistent.
Electric Rotatable Front Sensor together with Jusha QA software guarantees long-term quality.
Other shortcuts help users boost their productivity.

C1210是一款 12MP 雙螢幕醫療級彩色顯示器。
16 位元和 3D LUT、10 位元色深,醫學影像準確一致。
電動旋轉前感測器與巨鯊QA軟體一起保證了長期的品質。 其他快捷方式可幫助使用者提高工作效率


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